It is an honor and a pleasure to welcome our student community, faculty, administrative staff and visitors. I am the rector Dr. Carol Morales and I am proud to lead this extraordinary university.
At our university, we strive to promote and foster high quality distance education focused on a student-centered teaching model. At UNIB, we strongly believe in the potential of each student and are committed to providing them with the tools and support necessary to achieve their academic and professional goals.
The Universidad Internacional Iberoamericana (UNIB) is an online institution of postgraduate higher education, whose objectives and guiding principles provide equal study opportunities for all. We have more than 16 master's degrees which include the departments of Environment and Sustainability, Innovation, Business and New Technologies, Language Sciences, Education and Communications, Health Sciences and Projects. On the other hand, we have two doctorates: Education with a Specialty in Research, and Projects with a Specialty in Research.
The university is moving toward consolidating a culture of quality, based on its mission, offering support, academic, administrative and technological management to help access distance learning in all its components.
We hope and wish that your participation in the university, to the extent that it corresponds to you, is a positive and beneficial one.